台湾是全球科技重镇. The island was previously most famous for its many manufacturing giants (e.g., Foxconn, Acer, and Asus), 但最近却通过台积电(TSMC)等公司主导了半导体领域. As a tech savvy market, it is not surprising that Taiwan is one of the largest gaming markets in Asia, 也是视频和电脑游戏的早期用户. 该日博备用网站毗邻日本,长期以来为该行业的最新趋势铺平了道路,日博备用网站增长强劲. 预计2022年的日博备用网站价值为1美元,6.78亿美元,比2015年的9.41亿美元大幅增长. 与日本和中国大陆一样,台湾在2022年第二季度的全球手机游戏增长最快. And that is not all. 游戏日博备用网站预计还将再增长4%.7 per cent every year until 2025.
Today, there are more than 14.5 million gamers in Taiwan. 考虑到该岛总共只有2400万人口,这在总人口中所占的比例非常大. Among Taiwanese gamers, 智能手机游戏是最受欢迎的,自2016年以来,这类游戏的日博备用网站规模几乎翻了一番. 高智能手机普及率和可负担的高速数据计划支撑着强大的移动日博备用网站, 预计到2022年底,这部分收入将占台湾博彩业总收入的62%(2020年为60%)。.
台湾玩家的特点是购买力高,愿意在游戏上花钱. The average revenue per paying gamer in Taiwan is the third highest in the world.
Casual gamers are the majority
Like elsewhere in the world, 随着人们在家里度过的时间越来越长,对视频游戏的需求增加,疫情进一步加速了日博备用网站的增长. 2020年,台湾游戏日博备用网站增长了8%, 这在很大程度上是由于所谓的“休闲”玩家的增加和手机游戏日博备用网站的增长.
The total revenue generated by mobile games in Taiwan is ranked seventh in the world. 促成手机游戏领域快速增长的一个关键因素是休闲玩家, 他们占据了整个日博备用网站的70%(剩下的30%是所谓的“硬核”玩家)。. In addition, mobile gamers are open-minded and willing to try different games. 休闲玩家在每次游戏中花费的时间少于1小时, and over 90 per cent of mobile gamers stick to playing between one to five games.
While word-of-mouth marketing and trending games naturally attract consumers, one primary driver of the mobile gaming market is IP/game franchises. Games with strong IP are highly attractive and widely used in Taiwan, 它们通常都能获得可观的下载量. 除了IP开发成游戏专营权, such as “Ragnarok”, “Lineage” and “Slam Dunk”, in-game IP collaboration has become a common and successful marketing strategy. 许多排名靠前的手机游戏都有IP为玩家提供游戏内装备或独家道具. Particularly, Japanese animations, characters, 和文化对台湾玩家特别有吸引力.
The Taiwanese mobile phones can serve as a launchpad for the rest of Asia
Are you considering Taiwan as the next step in your expansion journey? 我们已经确定了进入台湾游戏日博备用网站时需要考虑的主要挑战和机遇.
- The biggest opportunities for Swedish game developers lie within mobile platforms. 台湾的智能手机玩家接受新奇事物的速度很快,他们在游戏上的消费倾向也很高.
- 台湾日博备用网站的手机游戏生命周期短,竞争激烈. 创新能力强、能快速适应快节奏环境的公司将占据优势.
- 台湾最受欢迎的游戏是专门为东北亚日博备用网站设计的,具有明显的语言和文化适应性. That said, 强调游戏的日博备用网站或欧洲起源对于游戏的独特性是有利的.
- 考虑到其他周边日博备用网站的挑战, Taiwan can act as a key market in the region for Swedish game developers, 尤其是中文游戏.
我们建议你找一个了解当地日博备用网站的商业伙伴,他们能够发现你游戏中的文化或语言差异, as well as pinpoint appropriate distribution and marketing channels. When considering cooperation with a Taiwanese game developing company, 我们建议你确定明确的标准和期望,并明确当地同行所需的游戏开发专业知识.
自上世纪90年代初以来,Business Sweden一直在台湾进行合作伙伴寻找和日博备用网站介绍,我们对一般日博备用网站和当地游戏行业都有广泛的了解. 我们非常乐意为您和您的公司提供日博备用网站信息和战略咨询,以确保您轻松成功地进入日博备用网站.