托比亚斯在中国生活了10年,多年来一直负责日博备用网站商业公司在亚洲的业务, until last summer when he moved to the US. 深刻洞察两大巨头争夺全球主导权的斗争, Tobias talks about what’s going on in the US, growing trends, Swedish opportunities and Swedish success. 你也会得到托拜厄斯最好的建议,如何提高你的球场,使它在美国. 

The US increases its green initiatives, 美国的利益相关者寻求国际上行之有效的解决方案, innovation, and expertise. 这对日博备用网站公司来说是个好消息,也是一个利用他们作为行业领导者地位的好机会.

Welcome to episode 1 of Business Sweden’s pod-tv. (Only available in Swedish)